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Mental Health within the social media industry:

This topic is aimed to provide you on how to stay mentally safe whilst being online. How to be safe, further reading to support any extra information and helplines to support people who may feel they are stuggling.

Social media is rapidly growing platform, equalling to a increase in mental health cases. ‘In 2020, over 3.6 billion people were using social media worldwide’ (Tankovska, 2021) .”

With the the rapid growth of social media meaning people are more connected this furthers to the rapid growth of destructive and damaging behaviour regarding mental health.

1) Self – esteem:

Self esteem is something that social media has damaged to millions of people, targeting the younger generations. How can Generation Z be responsible for feeling happy, confident and self-loving with seeing millions of Instagram influencers to be paid to show a perfect life?

2) Sleep:

Since childhood everyone is learnt that sleep is essential. With the disastrous amount of time teenagers spend on social media ‘Teenagers now spend more than nine hours a day addicted to Facebook and Twitter on their laptops and smartphones’ (Rushton, 2016) These shocking statistics show the amount of time that is dedicated online by teenagers daily. This questions the priorities that younger generations are putting aside for time online I.E sleep.

3) Cyber bullying:

‘Around one in 5 children ages 10-15 years in England and Wales (19%) experienced at least one type of online bullying behaviour.’ (Stripe, 2020) At such a young age to experience such behaviour can lead to a huge uproar of mental health problems in later life.

Helplines and services:

Anxiety UK – 03444 775 774

CALM – 0800 58 58 58

Mind – 0300 123 3393

Samaritans – 116 123

Young Minds – 0808 802 5544

Beat – 0808 801 0677


1) Tankovska, 2021, The rise of social media further reading at The rise of social media - Our World in Data

2) Rushton, 2016, The daily mail 'Teenagers now spend more than nine hours a day addicted to Facebook and Twitter on their laptops and smartphones ' further reading at Teens now spend more than nine hours a day addicted to Facebook and Twitter | Daily Mail Online

Stripe, 2020, Office for national statistic 'Online bullying in England and Wales: year ending March 2020' Further reading at: Online bullying in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics (


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